I have received special training in pre-natal and post-natal Yoga – and offer pregnancy yoga workshops and classes throughout Preston, Lancashire and the North West.

You can find out about my full pregnancy and mother and baby yoga services by visiting my devoted website - www.budsandblossom.yoga.

Pregnancy is a unique and very special time in a new mother’s life. From the moment you find out you are holding life within you, to the moment your new born baby is in your arms and beyond, motherhood is a wonderful gift of nature. It is also a time of great change and uncertainty, which can be both physically and emotionally demanding, requiring huge adjustments in your life.

If you are an expectant mother, Jal Kamal Yoga is passionate in our aims to help you adjust through these intricate times with ease. We work to bring comfort to you in pregnancy, keeping you at optimal health throughout your pregnancy and preparing you for the most positive birthing experience. Our aim is to strengthen and empower you for the early challenges of parenthood, allowing you to embrace and enjoy this very special and unique time.

Bringing comfort to pregnancy

Our pre-natal yoga attends to common complaints felt during pregnancy, such as fatigue, backpain, heartburn, oedema and pelvic girdle pain – ensuring you can remain as comfortable as possible during your pregnancy.

Preparing for a positive birthing experience

Our class will also expand on pelvic floor exercises and methods to help your baby reach optimal birthing position. You’ll also learn breathing and relaxation practices useful for creating calm states for birthing. The combination of these techniques will optimise your chances of a positive natural birth.

Keeping you fit and healthy

Pregnancy is a vital time to keep your body fit and healthy. Yoga during pregnancy, tones and strengthens muscles, preparing you to embrace parenthood. A regular practice will help keep you to your ideal weight, keeping you optimally mobile and comfortable during pregnancy. The exercise will also make it easier for you to return to your natural weight following child birth.

Engaging in regular yoga during pregnancy can have a positive effect on improved posture, improve sleep patterns and can contribute to shorter delivery times. It also makes you feel good, enhances your general sense of well-being and helps against mood swings, making you feel more in control of both your body and mind.

Our classes

Our pregnancy yoga is gentle and safe for all women, whether you are new to yoga or have years of practice. The classes allow women to step out of their day-to-day busy lives and find the time to reconnect with themselves, their changed bodies and their babies.

Classes last 1hr 15 minutes. These begin with each mother-to-be sharing insight of their pregnancy. This sharing helps to form bonds and provides guidance for the tutor to tailor the yoga practice accordingly for women’s individual needs.

Blossoming together

Our classes are so much more than just physical stretching practice. We aim to create a beautiful and nurturing atmosphere where women can come to listen and learn, and share their experiences, anxieties and questions.

Interested? Get in touch

If you are interested in pregnancy yoga get in touch with me by emailing jal@jalkamalyoga.co.uk or phone me on 07877051246.

You can find out about my full pregnancy and mother and baby yoga services by visiting my devoted website - www.budsandblossom.yoga.
